Musim cuti ni takada aktiviti sangat. Cuma dok di rumah melayan anak isteri. Kadang-kadang bila dah tak ada apa aktiviti sangat mula la berasa nak tengok movie. Tengak kat Astro semua cerita lama. So altenatifnya ialah tengok dalam youtube. Nak mudahkan akses ke movie yang nak ditengok, letak jer dalam blog sendiri. senang...esok lusa nak letak pulak ceramah-ceramah dan video yang ada pengajaran untuk semua.
Cerita yang ada ialah
Untuk makluman pengunjung blog ni saya belum pun tengok semua movie di atas. So saya tak tahu ada adegan yang tak sesuai untuk kanak-kanak. So mintak la ibu ayah tengok dulu baru bagi anak tengok yaa. Saya letakkan movie tu di sini bagi memudahkan say menontonnya nanti. Jika ada movie yang tak sesuai dengan anak-anak atau melanggar norma agama dan kehdidupan sila maklumkan pada saya. nanti saya delete.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Dah lama sangat tak menulis dalam blog ni..Saja nak berehat seketika. Sementara menunggu netbook yang dihantar ke kedai sebab hardisk rosak. Nasib baik ada warranty lagi. Kalau tak teruk laa kena keluarkan duit sendiri nak beli hardisk baru yang reganya lebih kurang rm2 ratus lebih. Campur install software dah pegi 3 ratus lebih. Nak buat macam mana .kelumpuhan Thailand disebabkan banjir besar memberi tempias pada kita. Maklumlah semua hardisk diimport dari Thailand. Sebelum banjir ni rega hardisk 500gb cuma dalam seratus lebih jer...takpela dah takdirnya begitu.
Tapi yang menariknya sepanjang cuti ni dapat bersama-sama berkumpul dengan family. Anak-anak yang balik dari asrama. Makan bersama, menonton TV bersama. Cuma cuti ni...wife asyik tengok internet jee. heran pulak apa yang ditengok nye. bila masuk pukul 3 jer mesti dok depan tv buka siaran TV Al hijrah. Tertanya-tanya jugak. Satu hari tu tengok laa apa yang disyokkan wife tengok tv tu. Rupanya dok tengok Drama Korea bertajuk ' Jewel in the palace'. Apa laa sedap benor cerita tu??? tak paham pon. Dok la tengok seronok pulak ceritanya..cerita yang sangat sesuai ditonton anak beranak. tak ada unsur cinta, berunsur sex dan sebagainya. Cerita yang berkisar pada kehidupan zaman dinasti yang sangat menarik untuk ditonton.
sekarang pulak dah ada laman web yang menyediakan kemudahan menonton drama korea yang sangat selesa. laju dan mudah untuk diakses. kalau berminat tengok laaa. banyak pengajarannya..kat bawah tua ada saya letakkan part one drama tersebut. kalau nak tengok selebihnya tengok jer kat. Kat TV dia guna nama "Jewel in the palace" kat Internet dia guna nama " Dae Jang Geum'. Tapi sama jer. citernya
Monday, November 14, 2011
Agak lama tak update blog ni. Kerja bertimbun-timbun., ditambah dengan kerosakan netbook yan biasa diusung ke hulu kehilir. Sementara dalam proses pembaikian pinjam dulu laptop isteri.Emm zaman sekarang memang susah kalau tak ada kemudahan IT.
Dalam saat-saat akhir menyiapkan assigment yang tarikh akhirnya 20.11.2011 ni (bagi tutorial bersemuka) timbul macam-macam masalah. biasanya masa ni lah komputer meragam, printer problem,yang berkeluarga pula suami/isteri dan anak-anak pon buat hal.
Ok laa.. ada pertanyaan bagaimana nak masukkan video dalam powerpoint. Disini saya terangkan secara ringkas. untuk lebih lanjut anda klik saja link di bawah sekali yaa..
Powerpoint menyediakan kemudahan memasukkan rakaman atau movie dalam bentuk format *.avi, *.mov. Antara langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan adalah seperti di bawah:
1. Buka fail baru
2. Sebelum memasukkan movie, klik bahagian Draw dan pilih bentuk rectangle.
3. Kemudian lukiskan bentuk segiempat tersebut ke slide yang mahu diletakkan movie.
4. Seterusnya, pergi ke Insert tab dan pilih sama ada movie tersebut dari Library atau pun File.
5. Simpan kerja dan klik Slide show untuk melihat movie yang telah dimasukkan..
Bagi penjelasan beserta gambar, anda boleh klik ;
ok.. semuga dapat membantu anda.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Terlalu sebok dengan urusan seharian sampai lupa nak mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL ADHA buat semua yang saya kenali dan semua pengujung blog saya ini. Semuga semua pergorbanan yang telah kita lakukan mendapat Redha Allah s.w.t. Insyallah.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Ramai yang menelefon saya bertanyakan tarikh penghantaran assigment . ada yang kata tutorial ke 5, ada yang kata 20hb dan macam-macam. Tidak mengapalah. Biasalah kita bila ditimpa sesuatu kepayahan (assigment belum siap) memang mengharapkan tarikh dilanjutkan. apa pun berdasarkan hebahan fakulti menyatakan tarikh penghantaran assigment adalah 2-13 sept bagi senior student dan 22-25 bagi student ambilan september 2011. Hebahan tersebut adalah untuk assigment Online sahaja.(saya copy paste kan hebahan tersebut di bawah). Jadi semua assigment perlu dihantar sama dengan tarikh tersebut.Saya tidak mendapat sebarang hebahan tarikh penundaan tersebut. Apa pun jika ada penundaan tarikh tidak merugikan sekiranya anda telah pun menyiapkan assigment kerana anda boleh membuat penambahbaikan sekiranya tarikh penghantaran ditunda. Yang jadi masalah bagi mereka yang belum menyiapkan assigment lagi.
"Kebanyakan orang membuang banyak masa dan tenaga untuk memikirkan masalah dan bukan cuba untuk menyelesaikannya."
Dear September 2011 (Undergraduate) learners,
Kindly be informed that Online submission of Assignments is approaching soon.
Please observe the following dates for your Online submissions:
Please observe the following dates for your Online submissions:
- 2-13 November 2011 (Senior Students)
- 22-25 November 2011 (New September 2011 Intake Students)
For further confirmation on the Online submission dates, please refer to the cover page of your Assignment Questions.
Thank you
Monday, October 31, 2011
The elements and principles of design are the building blocks used to create a work of art. The elements of design can be thought of as the things that make up a painting, drawing, design etc. Good or bad - all paintings will contain most of if not all, the seven elements of design.The Principles of design can be thought of as what we do to the elements of design. How we apply the Principles of design determines how successful we are in creating a work of art.note - the hyperlinks within the text of this page will open information in a new browser window. After you have read that information the window can then be closed leaving this window open.
Line can be considered in two ways. The linear marks made with a pen or brush or the edge created when two shapes meet.SHAPE
A shape is a self contained defined area of geometric or organic form. A positive shape in a painting automatically creates a negative shape.DIRECTION
All lines have direction - Horizontal, Vertical or Oblique. Horizontal suggests calmness, stability and tranquillity. Vertical gives a feeling of balance, formality and alertness. Oblique suggests movement and action
see notes on directionSIZE
Size is simply the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to that of another.TEXTURE
Texture is the surface quality of a shape - rough, smooth, soft hard glossy etc. Texture can be physical (tactile) or visual.
see notes on textureCOLOUR
Also called Hue
see notes on colourVALUE
Value is the lightness or darkness of a colour. Value is also called Tone
see notes on tonal contrast
BALANCEBalance in design is similar to balance in physics
A large shape close to the center can be balanced
by a small shape close to the edge. A large light
toned shape will be balanced by a small dark toned
shape (the darker the shape the heavier it appears to be)GRADATIONGradation of size and direction produce linear perspective. Gradation of of colour from warm to cool and tone from dark to light produce aerial perspective. Gradation can add interest and movement to a shape. A gradation from dark to light will cause the eye to move along a shape.
REPETITIONRepetition with variation is interesting, without variation repetition can become monotonous.
The five squares above are all the same. They can be taken in and understood with a single glance.
When variation is introduced, the five squares, although similar, are much more interesting to look at. They can no longer be absorbed properly with a single glance. The individual character of each square needs to be considered.If you wish to create interest, any repeating element should include a degree of variation.
CONTRASTContrast is the juxtaposition of opposing elements eg. opposite colours on the colour wheel - red / green, blue / orange etc. Contrast in tone or value - light / dark. Contrast in direction - horizontal / vertical.
The major contrast in a painting should be located at the center of interest. Too much contrast scattered throughout a painting can destroy unity and make a work difficult to look at. Unless a feeling of chaos and confusion are what you are seeking, it is a good idea to carefully consider where to place your areas of maximum contrast.HARMONY
Harmony in painting is the visually satisfying effect of combining similar, related elements. eg.adjacent colours on the colour wheel, similar shapes etc.DOMINANCE
Dominance gives a painting interest, counteracting confusion and monotony. Dominance can be applied to one or more of the elements to give emphasis
Relating the design elements to the the idea being expressed in a painting reinforces the principal of a painting with an active aggressive subject would work better with a dominant oblique direction, course, rough texture, angular lines etc. whereas a quiet passive subject would benefit from horizontal lines, soft texture and less tonal contrast.Unity in a painting also refers to the visual linking of various elements of the work.
The elements and principles of design are the building blocks used to create a work of art. The elements of design can be thought of as the things that make up a painting, drawing, design etc. Good or bad - all paintings will contain most of if not all, the seven elements of design.
The Principles of design can be thought of as what we do to the elements of design. How we apply the Principles of design determines how successful we are in creating a work of art.
note - the hyperlinks within the text of this page will open information in a new browser window. After you have read that information the window can then be closed leaving this window open.THE ELEMENTS OF DESIGN
Line can be considered in two ways. The linear marks made with a pen or brush or the edge created when two shapes meet.
Line can be considered in two ways. The linear marks made with a pen or brush or the edge created when two shapes meet.
A shape is a self contained defined area of geometric or organic form. A positive shape in a painting automatically creates a negative shape.
A shape is a self contained defined area of geometric or organic form. A positive shape in a painting automatically creates a negative shape.
All lines have direction - Horizontal, Vertical or Oblique. Horizontal suggests calmness, stability and tranquillity. Vertical gives a feeling of balance, formality and alertness. Oblique suggests movement and action
see notes on direction
All lines have direction - Horizontal, Vertical or Oblique. Horizontal suggests calmness, stability and tranquillity. Vertical gives a feeling of balance, formality and alertness. Oblique suggests movement and action
see notes on direction
Size is simply the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to that of another.
Size is simply the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to that of another.
Texture is the surface quality of a shape - rough, smooth, soft hard glossy etc. Texture can be physical (tactile) or visual.
see notes on texture
Texture is the surface quality of a shape - rough, smooth, soft hard glossy etc. Texture can be physical (tactile) or visual.
see notes on texture
Also called Hue
see notes on colour
VALUEAlso called Hue
see notes on colour
Value is the lightness or darkness of a colour. Value is also called Tone
see notes on tonal contrast
BALANCEBalance in design is similar to balance in physics
A large shape close to the center can be balanced
by a small shape close to the edge. A large light
toned shape will be balanced by a small dark toned
shape (the darker the shape the heavier it appears to be)
A large shape close to the center can be balanced
by a small shape close to the edge. A large light
toned shape will be balanced by a small dark toned
shape (the darker the shape the heavier it appears to be)
GRADATIONGradation of size and direction produce linear perspective. Gradation of of colour from warm to cool and tone from dark to light produce aerial perspective. Gradation can add interest and movement to a shape. A gradation from dark to light will cause the eye to move along a shape.
REPETITIONRepetition with variation is interesting, without variation repetition can become monotonous.
The five squares above are all the same. They can be taken in and understood with a single glance.
When variation is introduced, the five squares, although similar, are much more interesting to look at. They can no longer be absorbed properly with a single glance. The individual character of each square needs to be considered.
If you wish to create interest, any repeating element should include a degree of variation.
CONTRASTContrast is the juxtaposition of opposing elements eg. opposite colours on the colour wheel - red / green, blue / orange etc. Contrast in tone or value - light / dark. Contrast in direction - horizontal / vertical.
The major contrast in a painting should be located at the center of interest. Too much contrast scattered throughout a painting can destroy unity and make a work difficult to look at. Unless a feeling of chaos and confusion are what you are seeking, it is a good idea to carefully consider where to place your areas of maximum contrast.
The major contrast in a painting should be located at the center of interest. Too much contrast scattered throughout a painting can destroy unity and make a work difficult to look at. Unless a feeling of chaos and confusion are what you are seeking, it is a good idea to carefully consider where to place your areas of maximum contrast.
Harmony in painting is the visually satisfying effect of combining similar, related elements. eg.adjacent colours on the colour wheel, similar shapes etc.
Harmony in painting is the visually satisfying effect of combining similar, related elements. eg.adjacent colours on the colour wheel, similar shapes etc.
Dominance gives a painting interest, counteracting confusion and monotony. Dominance can be applied to one or more of the elements to give emphasis
Dominance gives a painting interest, counteracting confusion and monotony. Dominance can be applied to one or more of the elements to give emphasis
Relating the design elements to the the idea being expressed in a painting reinforces the principal of a painting with an active aggressive subject would work better with a dominant oblique direction, course, rough texture, angular lines etc. whereas a quiet passive subject would benefit from horizontal lines, soft texture and less tonal contrast.
Relating the design elements to the the idea being expressed in a painting reinforces the principal of a painting with an active aggressive subject would work better with a dominant oblique direction, course, rough texture, angular lines etc. whereas a quiet passive subject would benefit from horizontal lines, soft texture and less tonal contrast.
Unity in a painting also refers to the visual linking of various elements of the work.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Warna - Unsur-unsur Seni Reka
1. Tuhan telah menjadikan alam ini penuh dengan warna warni yang boleh dinikmati oleh manusia;
2. Manusia boleh membina imej dirinya dengan penampilan warna yang tepat dan sebuai mengikit situasi tertentu
3 Roda warna adalah gambaran visual warna ditetapkan mengikut hubungan warna antara watu sama lain.
4. Bermula dengan posisi roda warna, warna asas mempunyai jarak yang sama daripada satu sama lain, kemudian tercipta warna sekunder dan tertier.
5. Istilah-istilah ini merujuk kepada kumpulan atau jenis warna
roda warna
Warna Asas
warna asas - merah, biru dan kuning
1. Warna asas atau warna primer merupakan warna dasar sesebuah warna
2. Warna-warna yang tidak boleh dibuat daripada campuran warna lain tetapi boleh menghasilkan warna kedua dan ketiga
3. Mempunyai kuasa yang hebat
4. Digunakan dalam penghasilan seni seperti poster, bendera, logo, lencana dan sebagainya
Warna Sekunder
warna sekunder - jingga, ungu dan hijau
1. Juga dipanggil warna kedua2. Warna sekunder dicipta daripada campuran dua warna asas.
Warna sekunder = warna asas + warna asas
3. Warna sekunder ialah jingga, ungu dan hijau
a. Jingga = merah + kuning
b. ungu = merah + biru
c. hijau = kuning + biru
Warna tertier
warna-warna tertier
warna tertier = warna asas + warna sekunder
2. Warna tertier terdiri daripada
a. biru ungu = biru + ungu
b. biru hijau = biru + hijau
c. kuning jingga = kuning + jingga
d. kuning hijau = kuning + hijau
e. merah jingga = merah + jingga
f. merah ungu = merah + ungu
sumber :
Top 10 Free Programs to Fix a Slow Computer
Top 10 Free Programs to Fix a Slow Computer
By Liz Cornwell 20 May 2010 in Computer Optimization
Most computer users are eventually faced with the same problem: slow computer after several months of use. That’s inevitable because junk files, bloated software, and registry errors make PCs sluggish. Computer novices start wondering whether they already need a new computer or perhaps there is still hope and they can call a technician who will upgrade whatever there is to upgrade.
Fortunately, there are easier ways to speed up computer performance and you don't have to be a computer genius to know how to fix a slow computer. You just need to know which tools to use. So, here is a list of top 10 free programs that will make your old PC run as good as new.
1. CCleaner
CCleaner makes your computer faster by finding and removing all the junk that accumulates over time – stuff like temporary Internet files, Windows temporary files, cookies, browsing history, etc. Well, you get the idea.
CCleaner also has a registry cleaner, a startup manager, and an uninstall manager. All of them work well enough and can be used for quick PC maintenance.
2. Auslogics Disk Defrag
One of the most popular defragmenters out there. It’s free, a lot faster than the Windows inbuilt utility, and can even perform hard drive optimization. With its help you can defragment files and free space to speed up file access and move the system files to the beginning of the disk, so that your computer will boot faster.
Another nice addition to all its functions is the ability to personalize Disk Defrag by using its color themes.
3. Autoruns
Having too many startup entries can significantly increase Windows boot time. So if you have to wait for ages for Windows to load, your startup entries might be responsible for that.
Autoruns is a terrific utility that shows you which programs are configured to run during system bootup or login, and shows you the entries in the order Windows processes them. These programs include the ones in your startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys. You can configure Autoruns to show other locations, including Explorer shell extensions, toolbars, browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications, auto-start services, and much more.
Autoruns is very easy to use – if you want to disable an auto-start entry, just uncheck its check box. If you want to delete an auto-start configuration entry, use the Delete menu item or toolbar button.
4. Revo Uninstaller
Having too many programs can take up a lot of system resources. So if you want to fix your slow computer, it’s best to remove programs you don’t use.
Revo Uninstaller is a small, but powerful utility that ranks number 1 in the Uninstallers category on It’s a lot faster than the Windows Add/Remove tool and has a lot more features, like the ability to remove traces that some software uninstallers leave behind and 8 additional cleaning tools.
When you launch Revo, you will be presenter with the list of installed software. Right-clicking gives users a list of choices, from Uninstall and Remove from list, to Search Google, Show the installation directory, and quick access to the application’s Help file, its About screen, and an Update link.
5. Auslogics Registry Cleaner
Wondering how to speed up your computer by fixing the registry? Registry errors often cause instability and slow computer performance. Auslogics Registry Cleaner is a tool that will find and fix most registry errors, thus making your computer faster and more stable. Unlike some registry cleaners, it’s absolutely safe to use, because it backs up the registry before making any changes and scans only safe categories unless you specify otherwiser.
6. Driver Sweeper
Most computer users connect various devices to their computer pretty frequently – USB flash drives, digital cameras, mobile phones, webcams, plus printers and scanners. When a device gets connected for the first time, you either install device drivers from a CD or they get installed automatically. Unfortunately, drivers can become outdated and become absolutely useless the moment you stop using the device. Outdated drivers and driver leftovers can lead to system instability and startup problems. That’s why it’s so important to remove them for good.
Driver Sweeper is a tool that will help you to update or remove your device drivers. Currently the software supports NVIDIA (Display and Chipset), ATI (Display), Creative (Sound) Realtek (Sound), Ageia (PhysX) and Microsoft (Mouse). Driver Sweeper comes in two versions –classic one with an installer and portable.
7. Auslogics Duplicate File Finder
If you are an active computer user, then most likely you have a lot of duplicate files that could be deleted to save disk space. Auslogics Duplicate File Finder is a lightweight free utility that can do just that – find and delete unneeded copies. One of the best features of Auslogics Duplicate File Finder is that it can match files by content. This ensures that you won’t accidentally delete a file that is not a duplicate.
8. Secuina Personal Software Inspector (PSI)
Secunia PSI is a very handy tool that will help you keep your computer secure and potentially speed up applications. The software detects vulnerable and outdated programs and plug-ins which expose your PC to attacks. The solution is to apply patches, but going from website to website and downloading patches for numerous applications can be a tedious job. Secunia PSI automates this and alerts you when your programs and plug-ins require updating to stay secure. Patching software can also help you fix a slow computer because outdated programs often cause your software to become slower and less stable.
9. Foxit Reader
Strictly speaking, Foxit Reader is not a speed-up tool at all. Nevertheless, it will greatly improve your productivity, especially if you work with PDFs a lot. Unlike the bloated Adobe Reader, Foxit is lightweight, fast, and has some useful features like multimedia support, tabbed PDF browsing, and content-sharing options.
10. Chrome
If browsing the Internet isn’t as fast as you want it to be and you feel that your browser is to blame, it’s time to consider switching to a faster browser – Google Chrome. Because bother Internet Explorer and Firefox can be pretty slow on startup and consume a lot of RAM. So if your computer is not very powerful, Chrome is the browser for you.
If you haven't enough time or simply don't want to install tons of separate programs, you can try out a system utility suite, such as Auslogics BoostSpeed. Although it is not a free program, you can download a 15-day trial to see if the program suits you before buying it. Auslogics BoostSpeed is supplied with over 18 tools, including disk cleaner, uninstall manager, registry cleaner, disk defragmenter, startup manager, duplicate file finder and many more, designed for speeding up a slow computer. When people ask "how to make my computer faster?" I always recommend Auslogics BoostSpeed.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Pendapat Eisner tentang Seni
The arts are fundamental resources through which the world is viewed, meaning is created, and the mind is developed. – Elliot W. Eisner
In classrooms across the nation, experience has repeatedly demonstrated that when the arts are taught in a comprehensive program, they are also a medium for developing cognitive skills that carry over into other areas. These include the abilities to see clearly, analyze, reflect, make judgments, and link information from diverse sources to generate new ideas – in other words, to think holistically. They are the same qualities embodied in the broader goals of educational reform, and they are exactly the attributes that children need to succeed in the 21st century.
The world is in the midst of a very real shift from a predominantly industrial to an information society. Technology is providing increasingly sophisticated tools for communications, and tomorrow’s workers will need to know how to manage them in a world of multimedia events. We can already see the outlines of the world that awaits children coming of age in the 21st century. They will rub elbows with ever more diverse mixtures of peoples in the classroom, at the work place, and on worldwide communications networks. More and more, they will be working with others on collaborative projects. Conceptualizing and problem solving will be done by teams, and to be an effective member of a team requires understanding of and respect for different cultures and points of view.
To be literate in such a world requires vocabularies of symbols, images, and cues that have become immeasurably larger and more complex. To work and communicate creatively demands the capacity to see outside the boundaries of separate disciplines and grasp the connections that lead to creative solutions.
In a quality arts education program, learning happens along two broad and parallel avenues: in and through the arts. Education in the arts offers those rewards that are inherent in creating and studying works of art themselves.
Education through the arts produces those outcomes that are related to learning in other fields. In the new arts education, children learn to convey ideas, feelings, and emotions by creating their own images and performing dance, music, and drama. They learn to decode and understand the historical and cultural messages wrapped up in works of art. They also learn to analyze, critique, and draw reasoned conclusions from what they see and hear, reflecting on the meaning of their perceptions and experiences.
The arts speak their own language, conveying meanings beyond the power of words to express. They are, many educators believe, separate forms of intelligence and ways of knowing – a unique and important literacy. To be able to interpret the meanings of art is to expand one’s capacity to intuit, to reason, to make connections, to imagine – that is, to think creatively.
Even before children have been taught to read, they learn to use non-verbal symbols to link experience and understanding. As they advance through formal schooling, they continue to add to and draw on these stored-up images. The depth and quality of this image base – and the extent to which it is enriched by a knowledge of the arts – bears a strong relationship to linguistic competence.
Literacy in the arts can open doorways to understanding other subjects, not only because of the thinking skills they engender, but because of the metaphors they can provide as links to other areas of learning. Educators have been quick to recognize this advantage. Consequently, the arts are becoming a valuable curricular focal point or core, particularly in classrooms where a range of subject matters and disciplines commonly compete for attention and resources. One way to harness this competition to more productive ends is through inter- or cross-disciplinary learning. This approach uses the knowledge and methods of several disciplines in combination to explore a central theme, object, or issue as a framework for building student competence.
In this kind of educational setting, the special language of the arts can act as a kind of unifying force. In an integrated history-driven curriculum, for example, art images bring a particular era to life. The paintings of Romare Bearden or a Faith Ringgold quilt, together with jazz and blues of the period, make vivid a period of African American social history to young students. In mathematics, a Calder mobile may provide a revealing visual analogy for algebraic equations, opening the door to comprehension and learning for millions who are aided by visual interpretations of information.
At the same time, this kind of education fosters the visual literacy required for success in this new information age. Popular culture and the flood of media images it has generated occupy a whole new universe of nonverbal forms of communication. Students must learn to interpret images, symbols, and icons in order to understand subtexts and implicit messages, know the excellent from the inferior, and create effective images and messages of their own. The study of the arts, through a quality arts education program, provides an indispensable base for solid communications skills.
Yet if we are to develop higher-order thinking skills in students, how shall we measure them? Educators are looking for news ways to measure accountability in the classroom. Art teachers have long used a portfolio-based curriculum to measure student progress, finding that it enables students to become perceptive critics of their own and colleagues’ performances and helps them to perform at higher levels. These assessment techniques, which are now being introduced into other traditional subject areas, hold promise in preparing students for the workplace, where team building and project or performance-based evaluations can be critical to achieving goals.
As we reform our schools to meet the challenge of the information age, we cannot afford to ignore the arts. Nor can we afford to privilege the traditional approach to learning over the visual – particularly when it is the visual that may make learning more accessible. In vital areas – workplace preparation, interdisciplinary studies, cross-cultural learning, technology skills and understanding, and assessment – comprehensive arts programs are proving that they can provide a strong footing for the kind of education that will prepare out children to reach their full potential in the rapidly changing times ahead.
Of course, no one can predict what the future will hold. Obviously the 21st century will present great challenges as well as dazzling opportunities for education. It is reassuring to reflect that arts education is finally taking its rightful place in classrooms and in the lives of students and teachers. The study of the arts, with their potential to communicate ideas, emotions, and values, will continue to be the key to understanding the world’s cultures and civilization’s legacies. And the arts will always be the lens that enables us to see a rapidly evolving world with a clear and critical eye.
Panduan Assigment HBEF 1403 SDP (Powerpoint)
Cuaca yang cerah hari ini menyebabkan hati saya juga mekar bak bunga yang disirami embun malam. Kesegaran yang menyejukkan minda menyebabkan rasa seronok menaip di blog. Tidak seperti hari-hari yang lalu yang dirasakan agak suram.Haha..bersastera la pulak.
Ok.. saya juga mendapat maklum balas berkenaan cara persembahan powerpoint untuk assigment bahagian B. Di sini saya catatkan sedikit maklumat yang boleh dijadikan panduan untuk anda. Ingat yaa. ini hanya panduan sahaja. Mungkin bersesuaian dengan 'student' saya kerana saya tutor mereka. Mungkin tutor anda tidak sependapat dengan saya. So.. tanya dan berbincanglah dengan tutor anda.
1. Mengikut perspektif saya, powerpoint yang dihantar bukan untuk dipersembahkan kepada pelajar atau guru, tetapi ianya lebih kepada persembahan kepada tutor anda.. So...powerpoint itu hendaklah dibuat berdasarkan "kesukaan' tutor anda. Ada tutor yang mahukan elemen interaktif yang agak ketara (tulisan terbang, gambar bergerak-gerak dan slide-slide yang pelbagai latarbelakang). Ada juga tutor yang mahukan persembahan yang 'simple' tetapi menarik. Bagi saya ciri-ciri persembahan powerpoint yang baik ialah bergantung berdasarkan tujuan kita. Powerpoint ialah satu aplikasi persembahan elektronik yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan maklumat secara lebih interaktif dan menarik. Bagaimanapun penggunaan terlalu banyak elem interaktif (misalnya teks terbang) akan menggangu isi penyampaian utama. Saya lebih suka persembahan secara 'simple' tetapi profesional. (sedikit interaktif, penggunaan hyperlink antara slide dan paling penting mesra pengguna).
2. Seperti yang saya terangkan dalam panduan yang lalu, buat 20 slide terdiri daripada maklumat diri anda, tajuk,RPH, kandungan (gambar,audio dan video, teks dsb) dan penutup.
3. Kadangkala berlaku kesilapan teknikal menyebabkan tutor tidak dapat mengakses 'soft copy' (cd) anda. Hal ini adalah disebabkan anda tidak mengumpulkan semua fail berkaitan (source) pada satu folder. Bila anda 'burn' pada cd, ada fail yang tertinggal menyebabkan Powerpoint anda rosak. Apa yang perlu anda lakukan ialah :
i. kumpulkan semua bahan (slide.gamabr,video, audio dan sebagainya) pada satu folder sahaja.
ii. namakan sebagai folder 'SDP' (cadangan)
iii.buka powerpoint .siapkan dan 'save' dalam 2 format fail ( powerpoint presentation dan powerpoint show)
iv. powerpoint presentation boleh diedit semula tetapi jika ada fail tertinggal akan menyebabkan kegagalan fungsi tetapi power point show walaupun tidak boleh diedit tetapi tiada masalah jika ada fail tertinggal.
v.'Burn' kedua-dua format fail tersebut. letakkan label dan hantar bersama-sama assigment Bahagian A.
vi. Bagi mejadikan lebih selamat, print (dalam bentuk 4 keping 1 slide) dan lekatkan bersama Assigment bahagian A (dibelakang). Anda juga boleh e-mailkan fail tersebut pada tutor anda.
Semuga panduan ini dapat memberikan menafaat pada anda. Saya hanya sekadar membantu.
"Kita lahir dengan otak di dalam tengkorak kepala kita. Sehingga tidak peduli semiskin mana pun kita, kita tetap kaya. Kerana tidak akan ada seorang pun yang dapat mencuri otak kita, fikiran kita dan idea kita. Dan apa yang anda fikirkan dalam otak anda jauh lebih berharga daripada emas dan perhiasan."
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